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Child Safeguarding

To provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment in which we can inspire integrity, excellence, respect and empower student engagement both in Jamaica and the greater region, the American International School of Kingston will:

  1. Review the AISK Child Safeguarding Policy annually.
  2. Hold ourselves to a high standard of effective recruitment practices with specific attention to Child Safeguarding. All personnel employed directly by AISK, and all outsourced staff are to have completed all relevant background, reference, and police checks.
  3. Ensure all service providers used for on and off campus field trips and activities meet Child Safeguarding expectations as outlined by AISK.
  4. Ensure that all parent volunteers and helpers are aware of their responsibilities to protect children, young people and adults at all times.
  5. Provide ongoing professional development for all staff and parent volunteers on Child Safeguarding, as well as how to recognize and report suspected abuse/neglect.
  6. Include within the formal AISK curriculum, age-appropriate teaching and learning related to bullying; body science, puberty, sexual health and sexual safety; being a responsible digital learner and citizen.
  7. Uphold the ‘Standards of Practice’. Outline to our student body their expectations to themselves and others as stated in the ‘Code of Conduct’ (Elementary School) and the ‘General Expectations of Student Behavior’ (Middle School / High School), as detailed in the ES and MS/HS Student/Parent Handbooks.
  8. Ensure all parents are aware of school policies in the ES and MS/HS Student/Parent Handbooks and have signed the Student/Parent Acknowledgement Form.
  9. Ensure the AISK campus is a safe and secure space for all children.
  10. Maintain a positive working relationship with the relevant agencies within Kingston and Jamaica.
  11. Abide by Jamaican Law as it relates to Child Safeguarding and Protection.
  12. Ensure that the AISK Child Safeguarding Policy encompasses all cultures.


This Standards of Practice (“Standards”) serves as a guide to ethical conduct and professional behavior standards at American International School of Kingston. American International School of Kingston is committed to the safety and protection of children and all members of our school community. The Standards applies to all faculty, staff, employees, volunteers, and students who represent the school and who interact with children or young people in both a direct and/or unsupervised capacity.