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Board of Trustees

From Left:  Jeffery Moss Solomon, Maureen Smith, Renee Rattray, Sonia Wynter, Patrick Hylton, David Millward, Peter Melhado, Dianne Belnavis, Joseph Issa, Dennis Valdez, Bruce Levy,  Peta-Rose Hall, Jeffrey Campbell.

The AISK Board of Trustees is responsible for the school's direction and well-being. It is charged with setting strategic and policy goals for the school, and ensuring that these are implemented by the Head of School. Some of The Board’s specific duties include hiring and monitoring the Head of School, setting the school calendar, and determining and approving the school's budget.

AISK is committed to having an energetic, loyal and forward-thinking Board. To this end, AISK has adopted measures to actively strengthen its Board, and to seek out the best trustees to meet the school’s needs. The Board is comprised of up to 10 trustees who are nominated by the wider school community. A Nominating Committee interviews prospective candidates, and makes recommendations to the full Board, who elects Trustees to fixed terms of three years.

The Board ensures that its own conduct, and that of the school, meet the highest international best practice standards. They meet once or twice every two months and anyone has the right to request an open meeting with the Board.

The Board is guided by many constitutional documents and governance policies, the most fundamental being the Articles of Incorporation, which are the legal constitution of the school, a "company limited by guarantee" under the Companies Act. The AISK Board Policies are internal policies adopted by the Board, in relation to fundamental policies and procedures relating to how AISK functions.

The Board of Trustees also maintains procedural checklists and schedules relating to the Board's corporate duties and other requirements. These are designed to ensure that AISK meets various legal requirements, such as those under the Companies Act and the tax laws, as well as good governance standards including preparation and adoption of budgets and accounts, and the holding of general meetings.

Meet Our Newest Board Members


We believe:

  • Students thrive when they know they are cared for;
  • Students reach greater heights when they know the adults around them hold them accountable and believe in possibilities;
  • Students rely on the adults in their lives to create the best environment for learning;
  • Students do not get to choose to underachieve;
  • Students have a voice, they have things to say and are heard.