The AISK Way


The AISK Way is a term coined over the years to describe the uniqueness of the School’s strategies,  and traditions along with the teaching methods prescribed in the AISK Dynamic Learning Paradigm (ADLP), used to educate the students entrusted in the Schools’ care.

The departments with direct responsibility and accountability on The AISK Way are Teaching and Learning, Student Support and Guidance Counseling, and Information Technology as it relates to integrating the curriculum with technology, and the skills and training of the faculty in lesson delivery.  

Part 1

Importance of Student Engagement

Teaching Methods

Inquiry-Based Learning

Part 2

MAP: Measures of Academic Progress

Bloom's Taxonomy

The Learning Hierarchy

Part 3

ADLP: AISK Dynamic Learning Paradigm

Early Years Program

High Scope Curriculum

The AISK Way Team