Relentless Dedication to Student Success

Children are more than empty heads into which we pour information. They are fully independent and impressionable humans, who can be taught how to advocate for themselves, how to reach for their passions, and how to think critically in the world at large.

The Elementary Program: Second Step

Pillars of the Program

The Middle School Program: Strategies of Success 

SoS Strategies of Success is a program developed specifically for the middle school years—a notoriously hard time for students. Navigating the changing relationships of this age group can be particularly challenging due to a lack of emotional intelligence. Combined with their bodies and minds changing rapidly, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.  At AISK, we have seen students benefit immensely from an in-depth look at how the human mind and body work, leading to our Strategies of Success curriculum. By expressly teaching children about personal resourcefulness, empathy, and advocacy in addition to basic health and wellness, we find our students more likely to be confident in themselves, supportive of others, and openly communicative. In addition to helping the children navigate this stage’s changing relationships, the SoS program teaches study habits, mental and physical health, time management, prioritization, mindfulness, digital citizenship, and proper nutrition. 

Pillars of the Program