Elementary School Student Government

The Elementary School Government (ESG) is a great student leadership opportunity for Elementary students that marks the beginning of the journey in understanding the role and responsibility of leadership. Students who are involved feel excited, empowered, and learn the real meaning of giving. They reap the benefits and fun to be had as being a part of the ESG.

ESG is a forum for students to share ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and the Principal. Fundraising is also a major part of the activities of this group. The ESG hosts school-wide activities, including social events to build school spirit, and community projects to help children in need.

Officer Corp

Elementary Student Government (ESG) elections are held twice per year, at the beginning of the school year and at the beginning of the third quarter. The ESG body consists of a president, a vice president, secretary and a treasurer. Each student candidate runs their campaign which culminates with a speech to the student body/electorate who in turn vote for the candidate they feel best suited for the office.

Grade Representatives

ESG representatives come from Grades 2 - 5. Each grade has two representatives, each serving for one term. Elections are held in each class and the winners are announced. Representatives are expected to lead by example and they are held accountable to this expectation.