Early Years Program & Kindergarten

These are the years filled with those unexpected moments that delight us. The years in which flexibility and freedom are the most important, the time to encourage children that they can do ANYTHING if they apply themselves.

These are also the years when we can learn the most, and rebound the fastest. The years in which we learn primarily from our mistakes. In these years, AISK’s program focuses on building perseverance, resiliency, and confidence, while supporting creativity and building a strong academic foundation. We introduce the basics of critical thinking and creative problem solving, helping our students train their brains to make connections, and so we can identify areas proactively where they may need further development.

The Lower Elementary curriculum focuses on four areas: Personal Development, Cognitive Development, Language and Literacy Development, and Creative Expression. That means in addition to the core academic subjects of reading, writing, and basic arithmetic, your child will learn how to act with respect for themself, others, and the world around them; how to think through a problem before they react to it; and how to express themselves in a healthy way.


The Years of Discovery and Awe

Meet the Elementary Principal