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College Counseling

The College Counseling Program

The College Admissions Process

AIM Educational Services is a private provider of college and graduate school placement services. AISK retains the services of AIM to provide an institutional College Counseling service to AISK students, a relationship that has existed and yielded excellent results. 

The AISK-AIM College Counseling team is lead by AIM founder, Nicole McLaren Campbell who is responsible for group meetings and workshops.  AIM coaches the 11th Grade group class and conducts individual meetings with students and parents according to the outlined schedule.

Applying to college Is a student-driven process, underscored by the fact that colleges/university admissions offices prefer to, and in some cases will only, communicate directly with students supported by parents with the counselors operating in an advisory capacity.

The College Counseling Program is designed to equip students and parents with the knowledge to make strong decisions regarding the student's academic and extra-curricular development in preparation for college.The counselor provides guidance to students to identify their goals and interests, manage the admission process and make informed decisions about higher education. Each student controls the self-evaluation, research and writing essential to success in the process. Our goal is to give students time to explore their options and consider their interests and priorities. Our hope is that what is considered by many to be an anxiety-ridden process can instead be one of self-discovery for the student and growth - for the entire family!

Meet the College Counseling Team